Mint Green Chai
1Mint Green Chai
75g Tin
Retail Store
211a Bear Street
Banff AB T1L 1C3
The colors, sights and textures that you can find in the mountains come to life as you sit still for a closer examination. A hundred different shades of green in one glance, or rock faces with more intricate lines than one could possibly replicate with a pencil. This tea has also many layers. A full-bodied sweetness, bold mint flavour and zesty notes of cardamom, ginger and spices. Mint Green Chai can be infused like tea or boiled with sugar, water and/or prepared with milk like a classic chai latte. Made strong and sweetened, this blend soothes the sinuses and throat.
Hand-blended Organic Ingredients: Premium sencha green tea, cardamom, peppermint, hojicha, licorice root, ginger, fennel, whole pod cardamom, clove, black pepper.